Website Analytics

Leverage Website Analytics and Reporting

Made Data-Driven Decisions

Website Analytics and Reporting

Website Analytics

Why You Need Website Analytics

From your core business to customer acquisition and retention, website analytics are crucial for measuring success. What gets measured, can be improved.

Business analytics can absolutely give you short-term wins, but is a critical aspect of your long term strategy.

Analytics enable you to identify areas of improvement, and formulate an execution plan to narrow the gap.

Ultimately, all data tells a story; We’re here to help you facilitate that data and make sense of it. 

Rubicom WordPress Website Development

Start by building out

In the competitive hubs of New York and New Jersey, implementing an analytics strategy is a foundation level of your digital marketing strategy that is a necessity to compete.

Website analytics will provide:

1. Charts and Diagrams

Charts and diagrams help you make sense of data so that it tells a story. 

– When are users dropping off?

– Which pages are most valuable?

– How long are users spending on your site? 

– What are they clicking?

We’ll seek to answer these questions and more.  

2. Monthly Reporting

After we answer the questions mentioned above, we’ll identify why it’s important and provide data to back up our findings. It’s nice to get a recommendation from a marketing consultant, it’s better when that recommendation is backed up with data. 

3. Ongoing Management and Enhancement 

As your website analytics and understanding of what users value the most evolves, we’ll seek to continuously enhance your web practices so that you can enhance your target audiences’ experience and drive results. 

Breaking Down The tools

In an era of analytics, we continuously harp on data. A significant aspect is being able to read the data you’re being given. This enables you to make informed decisions for your business, implement best-practices, and grow.

Ultimately, your website analytics will show you data that tells a story. Its up to you and your marketing consultant to act based on the story being told.

Rubicom leverages core analytical tools to drive decision making and client strategy including:

By effectively integrating these tools within your overall digital strategy, you’ll receive transparent reporting that can be used to enhance data visualization and paint a full picture of your online analytics.

Whether you’re looking to just get started with a data analytics strategy or strive to enhance your current practices, there’s a customized solution for you to drive your business forward.


We Solve Real Problems

Where Else Can we Help You Shine?

Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your online presence so that your business gets found online.

Quality Content Creation

SEO and quality content go hand-in-hand. Implement content creation marketing that informs users and brings them to you.

Digital Presence Enhancement

Grow your digital presence with a user-friendly website that communicates with your audience.

Website Analytics Built for You

Start Measuring What Matters

Want To Boost Your Business Today?

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Marketing Company Analytics